Biodynamic preparations are particularly helpful in gardens, allotments and smallholdings where minimal chemicals are used. They enhance and improve the general well-being of the soil and plants, helping to naturally regulate common garden pests, diseases and illnesses.
The two basic biodynamic preparations that we offer are horn manure and horn silica (preparations 500 and 501) which are applied to your garden at the appropriate time of the year as part of a larger ‘spraying round’. These two preparations provide the ‘framework’ for all consequent biodynamic work and complement each other in their working: the former connects with the process of ‘in-breathing’ of the earth that occurs in Winter, whilst the latter works with the ‘out-breathing’ Summer process. See more in Biodynamics.
We also offer compost heap-enhancing preparations ( preparations 502-507) and fruit tree paste. The former is applied when required whilst the latter takes place in a Winter ‘painting round’.
Basic Biodynamic Preparation Spraying Round: Spring and Autumn spraying of horn manure (prep 500) plus Summer spraying of horn silica (prep 501).

In Autumn (October) and Spring (April), the horn manure is sprayed onto the soil in the afternoon. The effect, over a period of time, is to stimulate soil vitality and encourage plants to connect with the specific conditions of their growing site. It also encourages deeper root systems, increased earthworm activity and better retention of soil moisture.
In June, after the frosts, when plant growth is at its strongest, the horn silica preparation is applied in the early morning. The effect is to enhance the qualities of growth and maturation and bring a warming and light-bringing element to the garden. The preparation helps to stabilise and balance plant metabolism, as well as to increase the nutritive value of fruit and vegetables.
Price: Current cost for a small/medium garden in the Forest Row area is between £63 -£70 for 3 applications. The preparations can be applied further afield (up to a radius of about 7 miles from Forest Row) and for larger gardens, please enquire for prices.
Compost heap enhancing

The six plant preparations for compost heaps (yarrow, dandelion, chamomile, nettle, oak bark and valerian – preps 502-507) are used to both enhance and regulate the many organic processes taking place within an active heap. Each preparation has its own unique function in relation to the various soil nutrient processes. Working together they help, once the compost is spread on the soil, to bring balance, stability and life.
Additionally, they enhance the many subtle communication processes between plants, particularly the vast networks of mycelium present within the soil. This enables the plants to better obtain the optimum amounts of the many and varied trace elements necessary for healthy growth.
Price: Current cost for a medium-sized compost heap in the Forest Row area is £25
Fruit tree feeding

Painting fruit tree bark and large stems in January with the biodynamic fruit tree paste helps to enliven and balance fruit trees. The paste is made up of a mixture of horn manure, cow manure, sharp sand and clay. In wet seasons and areas, equisetum can be added.
Price: please enquire